War: What a bummer
In Monday's Anchorage Daily News. Originally from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on 1/18/07. Click the link above for original from St. Louis Post-Dispatch
President George W. Bush was interviewed Tuesday on PBS' "NewsHour with Jim Lehrer." Mr. Lehrer asked the president the following question: "[W]hy have you not, as president of the
Here is the president's reply: "Well, you know, I think a lot of people are in this fight. I mean, they sacrifice peace of mind when they see the terrible images of violence on TV every night. I mean, we've got a fantastic economy here in the
Really. That's what the president said: Americans are sacrificing their peace of mind when they see the war on television. And even though we've got iPods and plasma TVs and SUVs and all the other glories of a $13 trillion economy, the war is taking some of the fun out of it.
William T. Sherman: "War is hell."
George W. Bush: "War's a bummer."
If anyone still doubted that Mr. Bush is out of touch with the realities of his war, this should erase it. Not since he landed on the
In World War II, gasoline, rubber, meat and hundreds of other commodities were rationed. Nearly every American family had a brother or son or father in uniform. In
The half-trillion dollar cost of the war is being financed not with taxes, but with borrowed money, mostly from foreign banks. Instead of asking everyone to share the costs, Mr. Bush cut taxes and passed out most of the benefits to the richest 10 percent of Americans.
To the extent that it has cost the average American anything, the war may have added about a nickel to the increased price of a gallon of gasoline. And we whine about that — unless we are an oil company enjoying record profits.
Indeed, the war actually has helped the "fantastic economy" Mr. Bush bragged about. The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that earnings at defense companies continue to outpace the S&P index, with no let-up in sight.
There is sacrifice ahead, of course, and not only for the troops and their families. Eventually, the cost of the war will have to be repaid, although it is our children and grandchildren who will bear the burden. Think of what all that money could have bought: health care, scientific research to cure disease, college tuition.
But don't think too much about it. It's a bummer.
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