
Not fear, but faith

Tuesday June 13th, Romans 8: 15 For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. I have heard that the opposite of faith is not non-faith, or non-believing, but fear. Fear traps us, controls us and sends us down paths of ill design. Faith gives us hope, fills our life with possibility and lets us know we are loved. Some would like to combine the two these days, some would like to equate fear with faith. To have faith you must fear homosexuality, to have faith you must fear terrorism and terrorists, to have faith you must live right and follow all the rules and go to the right church. It’s all just 1984ish doublespeak. You are a child of God, loved by God, saved by God through Christ and called to live as a child of God. You are not perfect and never will be, but you are loved with a perfect love. It is like the difference between loving your child because they are your child and loving your child because they keep their room clean all the time, do all their chores around the house, always come home on time and always check in. We never do it all right all the time. I like God’s way, to love us because we are. That way there is no fear, only faith.


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