

Wednesday March 22nd John 2: 13 Not long before the Jewish festival of Passover, Jesus went to Jerusalem. 14 There he found people selling cattle, sheep, and doves in the temple. He also saw moneychangers sitting at their tables. 15 So he took some rope and made a whip. Then he chased everyone out of the temple, together with their sheep and cattle. He turned over the tables of the moneychangers and scattered their coins. I wonder what Jesus would do in today’s world where religion and the state go hand in hand cutting $12 billion from student loans, cutting billions from food programs, heating assistance programs, medical assistance programs, and on and on and on, only to use them to pay for tax breaks for people who already have more than they could ever use? This story is about what he did when he saw government and religion hand in hand for the sake of money in the temple in his day.


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