
Some random thoughts on the resurrection.

The resurrection is a verb rather than a noun. It is the difference between going home and going house. A house no matter how spectacular or no matter how simple is still just a building; it protects us from the elements and dangers out there. A home is made of memories, smells, relationships, cookie crumbs etc…. all of which and smell and feel like love. All attempts to describe heaven are attempts to describe just the house, the place, the noun. Sitting around the throne, the holy city with no need of sun or moon because Jesus is the light, the river of life flowing through the middle of the city bringing health to the nations, the twelve gates to the city each encrusted with jewels and pearls larger and more magnificent than any we can conceive of, floating on clouds playing harps, streets of gold, they are all just things, they are all just house. Heaven is going home, it is the created returning to the creator, it is the ying and the yang united, it is nestling in the bosom of our mother God, it is that timeless moment and that timeless eternity of being surrounded by and engulfed by the immensity and the simplicity of total pure love. The closest we can come in this earthly existence is to wrap together the experiences of holding your new born baby, and being held as a new born baby, falling asleep with an infant in your arms, your first kiss, the first time you drove a car, your first airplane ride, your first date, a Saturday morning in bed with nothing to get up for, the taste of your favorite ice cream on the back of your tongue, your grandchild throwing their arms around you and saying they love you, the first cup of coffee in the morning,……. All these and more wrapped up into one timeless moment.

It begins now (Luke 17:21) the reign of God is already in your midst. It is dynamic and egalitarian (Luke 13:21) the smallest amount of yeast can affect the whole loaf of bread. It is new (somewhere near Luke 13 where the kingdom of god is like a mustard seed) where the old dies and becomes something larger, more dynamic and more alive than before. It is not something that begins out there, but begins now, it is not separate from life, but it is life surrounded by God’s love (John 17:15, 18)

It is the idyllic return to the source, the return to the Garden of Eden, surrounded by the fullness of love from every person who ever was and will be.

All attempts to speculate fall short; all attempts to speculate are limited by our ability to conceive rather than the limitlessness of God.

The closest we can come is to just sit down; eyes wide open and just say wow!!!!

God invites us to live in a part of that realm starting now. Wow!!!!


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