actually “do” the Gospel
May 25th, Acts 2: Now there were staying
in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. When they heard
this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard them
speaking in his own language. Utterly amazed, they asked: "Are not all
these men who are speaking Galileans? Then how is it that each of us hears them
in his own native language? Not only were these Galileans speaking to multiple
nationalities each in their own language, but they were Galileans for heaven’s
sake! Why would anyone want to listen to
Galileans while in Jerusalem? The Spirit
breaks down our misconceptions about one another by bringing us in contact with
one another. It is there with the spirit
holding our eyes and our hearts open that we are able to see the other as a
brother or sister in Christ. It is sort of a round robin. The Spirit leads us to Christ, Christ leads
us to the world, where through the Spirit our eyes are opened to the vastness
of God’s love in this world, and then we are lead back to Christ. This time with our eyes a bit more open, and
then round we go again. It is not just to our own tribe, those who think, act,
believe and look like us, to whom we are called to minister; it is to the children
of God throughout the world. It is there
in the process of ministering to others in other tribes that we find ourselves
ministered to by these formerly known to us only as “other.” It is then we find
the walls of separation broken asunder.
This is the message of Christ, this is the call of Christ, to go into
all the world to preach and teach the good news, starting at home and moving
outward to the ends of the earth. We are
also called to go into all the world and not just tell the Good New, but to
actually “do” the Gospel, bring hope, justice, and peace into a hurting
world. In the process what we find is
that we receive hope, justice and peace for our world. We are called to do this, not because we will
gain from it, but because all the children of God, and that includes ourselves,
will live in hope because of it.
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