Ruthie Joy
Sunday October 16th, Psalm 96: 1 Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth. 2 Sing to the LORD, praise the Lord’s name;
proclaim the Lord’s salvation day after day. 3 Declare the Lord’s glory
among the nations, and the marvelous deeds among all peoples.
Do you
go through the day singing or at least humming to yourself? I do and it drives my wife nuts. I don’t actually sing or hum, which might be
part of the problem, I sort of breathe the melody, forming different notes in
my head, and making an annoying sound in hers.
Once she knows I am singing and not having a heart attack, she is better
with it, and I can go on in my joy. It
is sort of like a meditation; a mindful presence; letting the words, the
sounds, the thoughts, and the being, swirl around in my head in prayer. Sing to the Lord a new song, an old song, any
song that tells of the wonders of the Lord.
And spend your day, living in prayer and mindful presences with your
God. It is not a matter that God is not
always with you, quite the opposite, but music in your head is sort of like
reaching up and taking God’s hand as you walk through the parking lot of life
and experience the Joy of being connected.
For a little musical version of this try the following by Ruthie
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