
Global "Climate Divide" Growing Between Rich and Poor

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The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is set to release a report this Friday that is expected to underline that while global warming is changing physical and biological systems on every continent, Western countries must take extra steps to address the growing "Climate Divide." We speak with New York Times environmental reporter, Andrew Revkin. The world's leading group of climate change experts is set for release this Friday.

The UN intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is expected to underline that while global warming is changing physical and biological systems on every continent, Western countries must take extra steps to address the growing "Climate Divide." Poor countries have bore the brunt of environmental problems from the release of carbon dioxide by the US and Western Europe, but have been left almost entirely on their own to deal with the consequences. This means that while Western countries spend billions on dealing with the effects of climate change, those most in need receive little funding to deal with far greater catastrophe.


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