The Name of Jesus

Luke 2:21
Sally, Joe, Abdul, Rebecca and Juan
all names
all given to the ones new born
on their day
that in time invoke an image
of who they are
and what they have done
in this world
that speak of love
----------------- hate
----------------- worry and fear
Names that speak of a promise spoken
I will be your God
and you will be my people
Names like any other names
yet special
because of who they speak of
before time
one name was given
a name of love
a name of change
a name of hope
and at the sound of this name every knee shall bow
that name
like any other name
it changed who we
the Sallys, Joes, Abduls, Rebeccas and Juans
of this world
will forever be,
the children of God
I wonder how many people understand the references their own name has to the past and the future promise they hold?
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