The Annunciation of our Lord

Luke 1:26-46
The young and innocent one
wondered at the hearing of the words
---- (Greetings)
that thundered from on high
and yet so close
she could almost reach out
--- and touch
------ the messenger
---------- Gabriel
words that announced to the world
a new time
a new life
that would come to all people
---- (you who are highly favored)
through the womb
of this one
innocent one
called Mary
though the world did not know
and the people did not know
and those in power did not know
and even Mary did not know
all that is
all that was
all that will be
would be changed
by the message
to this one innocent one
---- (the Lord)
that a child shall be born
and they shall call
---- (is)
his name
---- (with you)
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